Forthcoming Events

Keep yourself posted!

Future events will be posted here at

For more information and any questions,
contact our
Events Manager.

Regular ETGZ events at a new venue!

Haus des Lernens

St. Oswalds-Gasse 20, Zug
(opposite the public library)

Watch this space for announcements of forthcoming member events after the summer holidays, 2024: singing practices, play readings and dancing workshops.

Please note that street parking (metered until 19:00) is limited.  Also vehicle access to St. Oswalds-Gasse or Kirchenstrasse is prohibited after 22:00. There are underground car parks conveniently nearby at the Parkhaus Altstadt-Casino and the Parkhaus Frauensteinmatt.

Otherwise the location is well served by public transport.

Past events at the
Gewürzmühle Zug

  • Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023: play reading (Hanns Zöllner)

  • Tuesday, Feb. 21: audition class (Kate Michaels & Tiffany Butt)

  • Thursday, Mar. 9: play reading (Peter Ramsay)

  • Tuesday, Mar. 21: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, Apr. 13: play reading (Chris Lee)

  • Tuesday, Apr. 18: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, May 11: play reading (Daniela Reinhart & Michelle Gsteiger)

  • Tuesday, May 16: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Tuesday, June 20: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, Sept. 14: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, Sept. 26: line dancing (Heather Widmer)

  • Tuesday, Oct. 24: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Tuesday, Nov. 7: play reading (Daniela Reinhart & Chris Lee)

  • Tuesday, Nov. 28: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Tuesday, Dec. 12: Christmas singing (Lorenz Ulrich)

Past events at the
Haus des Lernens, Zug

  • Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024: play reading (Chris Lee)

  • Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2024: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Thursday, Mar. 28, 2024: play reading (Chris Lee)

  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Tuesday, May 7: play reading (Jennifer Rosset)

  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024: singing practice (Lorenz Ulrich)

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